Christi Bender

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Award-winning photographer, author, graphic designer, and Illustrator, Christi Bender brings her unique outlook on life to print with her real-life characters.

Raised by wild wolves in the Appalachian mountains, she went off to a college and found herself enrolling for training as a sign language interpreter. However, an unexpected acceptance at an art school had her move to Atlanta, Georgia. There, she graduated with a degree in multimedia.

After over 30 years of experience in design, marketing, she stepped back from her career to homeschool her son full-time.

After a chance encounter at an animal shelter, her husband adopted a deaf dog named River. This four-legged child, along with her others, has inspired her to continue with her art career.

All of her work is done with a Southern accent. Bless her heart.

She currently resides in West Georgia and can often be found at campgrounds all over the tri-state area. So, if you see her…say hi!
