Vienela Sas


I started by writing on the walls of the house when I was about two years old. Then I discovered the coloring books. Later I fell in love with the children's stories my mother read to me. After I learned to read, I never stopped. I always have a diary with me in which to write down my favorite quotes from books and a few words about my favorite characters. As a teenager I wrote poems and short stories. Then life took me where it wanted and for a long time I remained in the position of an avid reader. In 2012 I opened a blog - I started writing and I haven't stopped since. I believe that love, education and peace of mind are the most important elements for a good life. That's why I strive to evolve and help others evolve. Books and journals can make a decisive contribution to a person's personal development. I did everything in my power so that my son would not miss books, notebooks, journals, diaries etc from home as a child. I am now able to offer children and adults around the world what I consider to be an extra step towards love, education and peace of mind.



