After many years as an informal programmer, web developer, system and network manager, Benjamin Ellis formally became a professional web developer over 22 years ago for what was originally a small educational publishing company in Birmingham, United Kingdom. This move cemented his eight years’ experience in education administration and finance during the introduction of Local Management of Schools (LMS) and his many previous years in public service.
Benjamin's original web development was in Perl and Mod-Perl, working on major projects that included Education Authority portal software, school websites, learning environments that pre-dated Moodle 1.0 in 2002/2003, and later, in areas such as education content delivery and single sign-on technology – including Shibboleth – within such giants as Capita Services plc.
Benjamin specialised in PHP and Moodle plugin and integration development after working on a very large migration project for one of the UK's leading universities at the beginning of 2012. This was followed by a stint at a private education provider before deciding to set up his own company in January 2013. Since then, Benjamin has worked on many Moodle and Totara projects for partner organisations, educational authorities and organisations, as well as organisations for staff and client training.
Despite writing documentation and numerous briefing papers and delivering presentations, this is Benjamin’s first book project.