Kristin Henning


Kristin Henning has been representing children accused of crime in Washington, DC for more than twenty-five years and is a nationally recognized trainer and consultant on the intersection of race, adolescence, and policing. Henning now serves as the Blume Professor of Law and Director of the Juvenile Justice Clinic and Initiative at Georgetown Law and was previously the Lead Attorney of the Juvenile Unit at the D.C. Public Defender Service. She is also the Director of the Mid-Atlantic Juvenile Defender Center and worked closely with the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) to develop a national training curriculum for youth defenders, along other tools and programs to challenge racial inequities in the juvenile legal system. Henning is the recipient of many awards, including the 2021 Leadership Prize from the Juvenile Law Center and the 2013 Robert E. Shepherd Jr. Award for Excellence in Juvenile Defense from NJDC. She has written numerous articles and essays advocating for reform in the juvenile and criminal legal systems. Her essay “Boys to Men: The Role of Policing in the Socialization of Black Boys” appears in Policing the Black Man: Arrest, Prosecution, and Imprisonment. She is a coeditor of the anthology Rights, Race, and Reform: 50 Years of Child Advocacy in the Juvenile Justice System.


