Laurie Easter

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Laurie Easter is the author of All the Leavings (Oregon State University Press, 2021), a 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Award winner and 2022 IAN Book of the Year Award finalist. Her essays have been honored with fellowships by the Vermont Studio Center and Playa, nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Award, and listed as Notable in The Best American Essays 2015. Her work appears in Brevity, The Rumpus, Chautauqua, Under the Gum Tree, and Hippocampus Magazine, among other literary journals and anthologized in The Shell Game: Writers Play with Borrowed Forms and A Harp in the Stars: An Anthology of Lyric Essays (forthcoming Fall, 2021), both published by University of Nebraska Press. She holds degrees from Southern Oregon University and Vermont College of Fine Arts. She lives off-the-grid on the edge of wilderness in Southern Oregon.
