Mary O'Hora


A lifelong advocate for self care and raising awareness for mental health. As a trauma survivor, I know how hard it is to be well and STAY Well. I’ve been in therapy since the age of 11, I guess I’m a qualified patient. No matter what medications, techniques, or other support we need, we must encourage ourselves to feel and to communicate. I started writing for my own personal therapy and developed a line of self help journals with specific themes filled with resources and support. I have written a few very different genres of books. I adore the frivolous fun and quick humor of ‘Chick Lit’ but I also love weaving that emotional tale through our feelings. I hope I write in a way that embraces the reader into the story, that they can ‘feel’ the characters, whatever the genre. I was always voted most talkative and my first job report said I would be an asset to the bank once I learned to curb my flamboyant behavior. I thought it was a compliment until my dad said the person who wrote that clearly didn’t have a personality. Oh, how I miss him, I wish he was here to help me write this awkward ‘about me’ page! But, at least I’m writing it! I’m an author now Dad, who would’ve thought it ? Through my journals and novels, I want to help EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US HAVe A VOICE! I am committed to sharing my knowledge and life experience with others who struggle along this path we call life. Mary is currently working on her 4th book “Level up” but also has sequels to her previous two novels underway. The guided journal series will continue to grow with each new release. Each themed book allows the reader to experience their own unique journey. Feel free to reach out via email or @wifecoach (Insta).


