J.C. Allen

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I have worked in finance for over a decade now. If you struggle with your finances, it's important to ask questions, have a willingness to learn, and take action toward your goals. I want to help millions of people get out of debt, but reaching them is the biggest challenge, which is why I have decided to put my efforts into a medium that is consumable by anyone. Growing up embarrassed about my mom's food stamps gave me the drive to ensure my financial situation was not going to be anything like the multiple maxed credit cards my mom had. After graduating with my degree in mathematics, I jumped right into the financial services industry, working for a credit union. I learned so much working there, but there was a ceiling I had to break through. Many years later, having filled many positions for many companies across the industry, I felt it was time to take matters into my own hands. Thank you for taking the time to learn from me and my books.
