Sammy Moniz is Mat Fraser’s other, some say better, half. The two met while Sammy was working at Reebok HQ on the CrossFit partnership team. They began dating in 2015, after Mat took second place for the second time at the CrossFit Games, and have been inseparable ever since. In 2016, after Mat’s secured his first gold medal, Sammy left her job at Reebok and began working for Matt O’Keefe in the Athlete Management business. While she was supporting Mat at home, she was also helping build partnerships with brands and other athletes in the CrossFit space. Supporting Mat in new ways, such as cooking and ensuring he was eating more regularly, was a role Sammy quickly took to heart. Cooking has always been a hobby for Sammy. It was a way to unwind from the day and it always served a purpose, feeding a hungry athlete. What started as a creative outlet for learning, cooking, photography and brand building, boomed into the recipe studded page of Feeding the Frasers. Sammy has shared hundreds of recipes from 13-hour briskets and spatchcocked chickens to cheesecake bars and cinnamon rolls. All the food shared on Feeding the Frasers blog and instagram is the food made to feed the five-time CrossFit Games Champion, Mat Fraser. Some recipes are filled with flavorful vegetables, homemade sauces and hearty meats while others are filled with butter and sugar. Mat and Sammy believe in balance and do not adhere to fad diets or healthy versions of your favorite desserts. In their experience, eating to be healthy and eating to perform are not the same thing. Every person is different and what they need to be healthy and to perform is going to vary. The opportunity to experiment in the kitchen, learn new ingredients and new ways to feed the family has been the most rewarding part of the food-side of the Frasers, for Sammy.