Beth A Simpson

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Beth A Simpson is a Jeep enthusiast, science/forensics educator, coach, passionate environmentalist and committed mother who is devoted to family, friends and fun!

I learned to drive my first Jeep when I was a pre-teen, and although the details are fuzzy, I can remember the feeling of exhilaration and power as I drove my grandfather's Jeep up and down his hayfield rows. The family depended on me, and I wasn't a helpless little girl, I was a necessary, contributing member of the group.

If you ask my mother to tell you stories of me when I was little, she will regale you with tales of her wild child! One of them at least, will include how I loved to run around in my wonder woman underoos, with a cape and cowgirl boots because I wanted nothing more than to be Wonder Woman and save the world! In reality, as an adult, I haven't changed all that much! Hahaha My passion for Jeeps and Wonder Woman has just evolved.

The original TV Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter once said, "Our number one job is to honor the goddess within! Your secret self is a true Wonder Woman, so let her shine!" I have decided to meld my adult versions of Jeeps and Wonder Woman hobbies into one - Wheeling Woman - as a way to not only share my adventures, but to empower, include, inspire and motivate other women off-roaders (or those who WANT to be) to embrace their inner goddesses!
