“You can do this” this is what I kept repeating myself during the recovery period following my gastric sleeve surgery. My name is Younan, and I used to be severely obese. I used to have a BMI of 40, and I used to hate myself. I couldn’t see myself in the mirror, I could not find any clothes, I was struggling to walk and was feeling constantly out of breath. I was not living my life. When I reached the point I could not even leave my house anymore to go out, I then agreed with my clinician to explore the surgical option. I had to follow a diet beforehand to be in a better starting position, then I underwent the gastric sleeve surgery. I was determined, but it was hard. The first few weeks following gastric sleeve surgery are crucial; a very strict calorie intake, liquid diet, puree diet…. It can be overwhelming. I realised my main issue was with variety, I was finding difficult to enjoy different type of mains, meal time was getting very boring. This is why I am here now, to provide you with a good variety of recipes to make sure you can experiment and enjoy your meals. Younan will bring you into his world, his life experience, and will be by your side in this difficult but extremely rewarding journey.