Ever since I could hold a pencil, I’ve dreamed about being a published author. My love of reading is lifelong, and I wrote my first story – told through the eyes of my main character, Flounder the horse – around age ten. I’ve been an avid equestrian since childhood, and horses feature in many of the stories I write today. In addition to a love of horses, I’m also a total Anglophile. In 2011, I started a blog and website called The Tudor Enthusiast, where I write about the people, places, and events that make up the fascinating world of sixteenth-century England (and if that sounds like something you might be interested in, you can check it out at www.thetudorenthusiast.weebly.com). I grew up in Northern Virginia, and still call this beautiful part of the world home. I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from George Mason University, and a Master of Studies in Modern British and European History degree from Mansfield College, University of Oxford. When I’m not writing, I’m either working (yes, I have a day job), riding horses, cuddling up with a book, or spending time with the two loves of my life – my husband Jason, and son Henry. Check out my website: www.stephanieklineauthor.com Follow me on social media: Stephanie Kline Author