Hi, I'm John Nero, an author of parenting guides and books. I am a firm believer that knowledge is power when it comes to raising our bundles of joy.
I am fortunate enough to have a wonderful family and privileged to be a father.
When I found out we were having a baby I was over the moon with excitement, but also incredibly anxious. I didn’t know how to be a dad! What if I do it wrong? So, I took to the internet and started looking for some books for dads, I’m not saying there was nothing to be found, there was some very good information but nothing that ticked the exact box I was looking for.
Several courses in writing and publishing later I decided that I wanted to write the book I was looking for “The pregnancy guide for men”. Producing this book was a fantastic journey of research and collaboration with some very knowledgeable people, but as the book neared completion I knew there was more I wanted to write about, so I did! And there is a lot more to come.