G. R. Tiberius is a Capital Markets Specialist and a Registered Real Estate Broker. He has been very passionate about building a retirement nest egg ever since. He strongly believes in accumulating wealth and harnessing the power of passive income to achieve the financial freedom that he desires.
Before he achieved his status in life, he literally lost millions. He was a victim of get-rich-quick schemes driven by his curiosity and emotions, and unfortunately, by trusting the wrong people. It was a terrible yet life-defining phase in his life. From there, he took all the lessons he could absorb to come back, recover, and thrive. He restarted and repurposed his life’s mission to help those people who want to prepare for retirement and share the lessons he have learned in this journey.
Reach G.R. Tiberius and our other authors in kenosisbooks@gmail.com. Cheers!