Yumi Nishino

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Yumi Nishino is the representative director of the publisher "Japanese Language Park". The team of the publisher is mainly made up of native Japanese speakers such as experienced Japanese language teachers, novelists, and more.

Her passion is to create the most interesting and useful books for Japanese learners on Amazon. She is happy to share her knowledge as a native Japanese speaker to deliver books that are useful to Japanese learners, not only linguistically, but also culturally. She loves her work, and she also loves discussing how she can entertain learners and what books are the best for them.

Japanese Language Park is here to support you in your language journey and sincerely desire your success.

Visit the link and get a freebie at http://jplgpark.com

She was born and raised in Japan and has a Master of Arts degree from Kyoto Sangyo University. She lives in Texas with her husband and a small vegetable garden where squirrels often play.
