Philip Collier

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A career professional in the airline industry, holding the ATP certificate in three countries, with multiple type ratings. Enjoys writing about tech, travel and piloting the heavies. Always carries a camera and audio recorder to capture interesting happenings or pretty scenes. Keeps his note-taking app open to write about useful knowledge and how to share it.

"I enjoy writing those small, compact, but meaty handbooks which help people do

things to make their lives better. The picture books are a favorite of mine. Come

on - who doesn't love a stunning sunrise or to tiptoe among the anvil tops? Alan

Bean was totally correct, that "we're still in the Garden."

Books about the WebSDR, RTLSDR and KiwiSDR technologies come from his experience as a licensed amateur and commercial radio operator. It is amazing how one can be anywhere in the world but tune in live signals from broadcasters somewhere else. SDRs are real radios, so you do need to know where to tune and how to set up your modes and filters. They help dictators fail:

"I lived for a while in a place where BBC and VOA radio broadcasts were jammed,

and their websites blocked. With KiwiSDRs, I could stream AM radio to my smart

phone from a receiver in London - or New York, totally evading the censors. Freedom

expands, friends. Information wants to be free. Know that. It is thermodynamic."

The book, "Censorship's Grave" comes from the experience of being inside of censorship barriers and becoming an expert at circumventionism. The surprising truth is how permeable the splinternet really is. Censorship has failed (and the dictators know it). Yet, there are Western politicians who want to block websites in the USA. Read the book to learn how censorship no longer works.

He is enthusiastic about free and open source software and has published popular operating systems based on GNU/Linux.
