Sakari Howell


Sakari Howell was born near Phoenix, Arizona, in a place with the largest number of Native American descendants in all of America. From a young age, Sakari's parents spoke to her about the secrets of Native American natural medicine, passed down for over 2,000 years by her people. Sakari soon opened herself up to the world, confident that the benefits of Native American medicine could be a viable alternative to modern artificial medicines for all Americans. After college, her life has been devoted exclusively to the world of natural medicine and Native American herbalism. She started a long research effort to bring to light all the hidden secrets of Native American medicine. This research lasted over 15 years and involved 212 Native American tribes in the American territory. Because of this, her books represent the largest existing fulcrum of information on Native American medicine. Sakari's mission is to enable as many people as possible to free themselves from modern chemical medicines, re-establishing true contact with their bodies and healing themselves with 100% natural remedies.


