Sandra Aguirre-Magana

Sandra Aguirre-Magana profile image


Sandra is an international bilingual storyteller, educator, and author. Even though she now calls El Paso, Texas, home, she is a native Chicagoan from the vibrant Mexican American neighborhood of Pilsen. Sandra has worked in education as a bilingual/dual language teacher for many years and is currently a Dyslexia Specialist. She fell in love with applied storytelling while taking a Golden Apple Foundation workshop in 2001 led by the late Syd Lieberman.

Sandra has published three books based on her storytelling performances, which can be found on this Amazon Author Central Page. Recently, her short story, Dancing with the Devil, beat out hundreds of submissions to represent the State of Texas in the anthology, The Haunted States of America, published by Macmillan Publishers through their imprint, Godwin Books, with a release date of July 9, 2024.

Sandra's stories stem from a proud Tepehuan storytelling culture and tradition inspired by her family, especially her grandmothers, who were great tellers. She has performed original scary stories, personal narratives, fairytales, and folktales at the National Storytelling Summits, National Association of Bilingual Educators, Texas Storytelling Festivals, the Chicago Millennium Foundation's Family Literacy Festivals, and local and statewide libraries and schools in New Mexico, Texas, Illinois, and Florida.
