Brad Kammer


Brad Kammer, LMFT, LPCC, is a licensed psychotherapist and has worked in the field of trauma for 25 years, specializing in working with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Brad began his career as a Humanitarian Aid Worker in Asia working with personal and collective trauma. He became passionate about supporting individuals and communities in the transformation of trauma. As a somatic-oriented psychotherapist, Brad trained in the NeuroAffective Relational Model®, Somatic Experiencing®, and other somatic and depth-oriented approaches. Brad has been involved in community education, outreach and consulting to numerous organizations and communities. Brad has taught as a college professor for several universities at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Brad is the Founder and Director of the Complex Trauma Training Center (CTTC). CTTC offers clinical trainings, ongoing professional development programs, and community events for psychotherapists and mental health professionals working with individuals and communities impacted by Complex Trauma (C-PTSD). Brad has provided training, consultation, mentorship and personal support to thousands of helping professionals. Brad is a Senior Trainer in the NeuroAffective Relational Model® (NARM®) and presently teaches the NARM Therapist and NARM Master Therapist trainings through CTTC. Brad is the executive producer of the top-ranked trauma podcast: Transforming Trauma. Brad lives in Northern California with his family where he enjoys anything involving nature, travel, music, food, and learning about and connecting with new people.


