After enduring the hardships of becoming an orphan at 16, I was reborn from the ashes, and now my light helps other people shine. I am empathetic towards other people in vulnerable situations, and through my experience, I inspire them and guide them to reach their full potential. I was born and raised in Hermosillo, Sonora, but being a traveler at heart, I travel the world. My book "¡EMPODÉRATE! Y CELEBRA LA VIDA" became an Amazon bestseller in three categories after its launch on August 17, 2021. Sonia Beilis is, * Certified Trainer in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) * Transformational Life Coach using NLP coaching * Conference lecturer on personal and business development, academic institutions and, entrepreneurs. * TV Mundo Digital and Ecuador acknowledged her as a woman who empowers women by a transformative force of peace and life in different areas such as the workforce, academia, entrepreneurship, and culture.