Melvin R Friedman


Melvin R. Friedman, DO, FCA, has been a practicing physician since 1985, initially in family practice and then specializing in osteopathic manual medicine. He has written professionally, lectured and mentored current and aspiring medical students, and served as president of the Osteopathic Cranial Academy. His deep passion for the principles and philosophy of traditional osteopathy has led him to understand himself and others as a unity of mind, body, and spirit. First inspired and taught by his physician mother, he has devoted his life to service, offering hope to those with chronic pain conditions. Among other rewards, his practice has led him to make sacred pilgrimages to South Asia and deeply explore his own inner landscape in a quest for spiritual realization. The devoted father of three grown sons, Benji, Daniel, and Jacob, Mel lives with his soulmate and wife, Sherrie, in San Mateo, California. Connect with Mel at


