Christopher Pilarchik

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Christopher Pilarchik is a member of the American Poet's Society and his poem, Epiphany of Grace was featured in the book Poetry Gems of 2000, as part of a national poetry competition.

He has been living his mission and purpose in life every day since he was 12 years old: To be a positive light and energy in this world. To help lift everyone he comes in contact with. To make win/win decisions that truly are for the better and highest good of all concerned. To celebrate the diverse and unique beauty of every person; To see people as the rare, one-of-a-kind light that each soul is.

He has been an avid student of philosophy and psychology from age 14. Being both an Aquarian and an INFJ-A personality type, it is no wonder his mission shines so brightly as the motivating force in his life, nor is it any wonder why he comes up with such intriguing and thought-provoking insights.

He has lived that mission since he was 12, and turns 60 on 1/22/22. His mission has taken him on an amazing journey. He's also been a 17-year professional ballroom and Latin dance instructor, competitor and performer, a professional close-up magician and a teacher in various fields for 30 years. He's experienced the lifestyle of the rich and famous, as well as been homeless living out of his car. His faith in the Lord, his belief in himself and his perseverance brought him back within just over a year. He lives his motto daily, "Living for the better good of all".


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