Richard Fast


For more than 30 years, I have pursued my passion for unraveling the riddle of human behavior to learn how we can take greater control of the hidden forces that shape our lives. As an entrepreneur, I'm the creator of the board game “MindTrap™ ” and more than 20 other puzzles and games that have sold millions of copies worldwide. I have experienced both sensational success and colossal failure. However, it’s usually the failures that are life’s greatest teachers. After enduring a string of them – based on horrific decisions – I was determined to discover if there was an identifiable cause or if it was just random luck. The first thing I realized was that my disastrous decisions were the result of hubris, assumptions, and false confidence rather than the unpredictability of life and other random events. So, I was determined to find out if we could actually control our future by making critical decisions with certainty. Both the CHALLENGE OF CHOICE ... how to make a "good" decision when it "really" matters! and OBESITY: It's NOT what YOU THINK it is!, is the culmination of years of research to answer that question. I live in Ontario, Canada, with my wife, Michele. We share a mutual passion for health, fitness, and food.


