A. Colin Cameron

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Colin Cameron was educated at the Australian National University (undergraduate) and Stanford University (graduate). He is currently a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at the University of California – Davis, where he teaches econometrics courses at various levels as well as an undergraduate course in health economics, and is a visiting Professor at University of Sydney.

Colin Cameron's main research is in microeconometrics for cross-section data and has appeared in many of the leading all-round economics journals and econometrics field journals. His most notable research is on count data modeling and on cluster-robust inference for regression. He is the author of "Analysis of Economics Data: An Introduction to Econometrics" and is the coauthor with Pravin Trivedi of three leading books in microeconometrics: "Regression Analysis of Count Data", "Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications", and "Microeconometrics using Stata". His research and books have received over 50,000 Google Scholar citations. His webpage is cameron.econ.ucdavis.edu.
