N.A. Jameson is a born Jersey Girl currently living in Iowa with her Boxer, Bambi. Her favorite color is pink. She is obsessed with cows, Eeyore is her favorite Winnie the Pooh character, and she may or may not have a princess complex. That’s a lie. She definitely has a princess complex. Her absolute favorite TV show is Friends. She watches it a minimum of twice a year. She is a Super Aunt to countless nieces and nephews. Hates snow, blue cheese, and rude people. Loves the water, ranch dressing, and thunderstorms. Her guilty pleasures are chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, peppermint tea, and wine. Naps are life. When she isn’t watching corn grow, you can find her working her way through her never-ending TBR list with zero environmental awareness. Seriously, throw something at her if you need her attention when she is reading. She won’t hear you speak. When she isn’t reading, she is writing, trying to satisfy the characters in her head, demanding to be released.