E. L. Betsy Smith


Holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology/Social Work from the University of Texas, Austin and both a Master’s in Adult Education and a PhD in Educational Leadership from Texas A&M. Betsy Smith is a powerful Patient Advocate, dynamic speaker and results oriented certified coach. Betsy admits that, although having gained extensive experience in negotiation from her corporate career, taking on the role of advocate for her husband, Jack, when he was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer in August of 2014, provided a completely new meaning to the word, the job description and the skills necessary to succeed at it. She shares her wisdom, insights lessons learned and guidance in The Patient Advocacy Handbook to help advocates boldly and with confidence, step into the role of advocate. Betsy offers 1-1 Advocacy Coaching and Group Advocacy Coaching in addition to her leadership coaching. Betsy co-authored “Second Blooming for Women” with Kathleen V. Logan ten years ago.


