Ryan Wilson was born in Griffin, Georgia, in 1982, and raised in nearby Macon. His books include The Stranger World (Measure, 2017), winner of the Donald Justice Poetry Prize, How to Think Like a Poet (Wiseblood, 2019), and Proteus Bound: Selected Translations 2008-20 (Franciscan UP, 2021). His work appears widely in periodicals such as Best American Poetry, Birmingham Poetry Review, First Things, Five Points, The Hopkins Review, The New Criterion, The Sewanee Review, and The Yale Review. Co-editor of the anthology, Contemporary Catholic Poetry (Paraclete, 2022), he is Editor-in-Chief of Literary Matters (literarymatters.org), and he teaches at The Catholic University of America and in the M.F.A. program at the University of St. Thomas—Houston.