Asamod is a pseudonym for an Occult Society hierophant. The author has several years of experience in Chaos magic, shamanism, luciferism, santería and other systems. Asamod is a variable of Asmodeus, but in Hebrew Asamod means to destroy and in Persian Azmonden means to try or put to the test. The real predecessor root of the term is Aeshma-daeva, a demon from Persian mythology in Zoroastrianism, of fury and lust, but who was sometimes interpreted as "the shining angel"... Some interpret daēva as "demon", but it is inaccurate. In Hinduism, devas are divine spirits, in Persian mythology not all daēva were negative. I am proud to write, as a human, my books. I am a real mage and a practitioner of the occult for twenty years. Unfortunately, nowadays, there is too much "garbage" in e-books and pseudo "GPT Chat" wizards publishing dozens of poor quality e-books.