Hi, I'm Shannon Elizabeth Sánchez. I'm a mom of four littles (three girls and a boy), wife, educator, world traveler, Catholic Christian, and author. I grew up in a small town along the Mississippi River south of St. Louis, Missouri called Kimmswick. If you've never heard of Kimmswick Missouri before, you have to research it! It's the cutest, quaintest little town with the best bakeries, restaurants, and shops. It was the perfect little place for a young girl to grow up. I've lived in, studied in and traveled through several Spanish-speaking countries...Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Costa Rica, and Peru and I speak Spanish fluently. I've also traveled to Italy, France, Switzerland, and short stops in Chile, Germany and the Netherlands. I love to travel and meet new people and cultures! My husband is an immigrant from Mexico and we speak Spanish to our four angelitos in our home. I live for God, and I try to befriend and serve all of His people whom I encounter. I am a big believer in holistic medicine and the power of lifestyle to maintain optimal health. I was plagued for decades with leaky gut and metabolic syndrome...PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), insulin resistance, and high cortisol...and lots of doctors treating symptoms with bandaid big pharma meds. It took me 25 years to discover and appreciate the art of fermentation, cultured foods, and stress management to repair my gut and cure autoimmunity and chronic inflammation. I want to share my story with the world in hopes to help others who are enslaved to big pharma. Love, peace, joy, and everything good from me to you!