Elise Daly Parker is a certified life coach, writer, and speaker. She is the co-author of the devotional journal Unshakable Peace in an Unsteady World. Her stories have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries: 101 Stories of Hope, Healing, and Hard Work and Heavenly Company: Entertaining Angels Unaware. She's been a regular contributor on a number of websites, including God-Sized Dreams and Slices of Life Podcast. Elise is also the creator of the MomVision podcast – helping moms savor not just survive seasons of motherhood with clarity, confidence, and calm, found on your favorite podcast platforms. When Elise got married and had kids, she found it more challenging than she imagined. Now she shares life lessons with transparency to give moms help and hope on their motherhood journey. Go to EliseDalyParker.com for the free download 5 Essential Scriptures for Moms. Elise has been married to Chris for 37 years, has four daughters and two sons-in-love, as well as two grandchildren. You can connect with her on her website EliseDalyParker.com or find her on Instagram and Facebook @elisedalyparker.