David Carson Futch


David Carson Futch began high school with the mindset that he would never go to college. Instead, he went straight to welding school and graduated with a job at a small shipyard in Pascagoula, Mississippi. His job there was to weld up tanks inside the ships. During the summer, his day would begin at 6 a.m. with 108-degree temperatures, and it would only go up from there. One day, some guys came into the ship who were wearing nice clothes and ties. David asked his coworker, “Who are they?” His friend responded, “They’re the engineers.” Between enduring extreme heat and receiving multiple welding burns on his body, he knew he needed to make a change, and those engineers inspired him. He applied for and was accepted into the Drafting Engineering Program at Ingall’s, which to this day is still one of the largest shipyards in the United States. For the next 15 years, he got to wear nice clothes and work in an air-conditioned office! During those 15 years, David worked full-time by day and went to school full-time by night. His devoted wife Mamie and two beautiful daughters, Lane and Lauren, were his constant motivation and loving support. He first received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Mississippi in Clinical Psychology. He chose that specialty to get a degree as far away from engineering as possible and graduated with honors. Next, he received a Jurist Doctorate from the University of Mississippi and passed the Bar Exam on his first attempt. He has been in private practice for 22 years, and this book gives you a small glimpse into his bizarre experiences throughout his legal journey.


