Matthew Russell Lee is a lawyer and author who report from the SDNY Federal courthouse, and the UN gate. His investigative journalism got him banned from the United Nations, but with whistleblowers as sources he still exposes corruption and hypocrisy. He finds that same in the courts, as well as human stories of crime and punishment. He published 10 stories every weekday on, and daily vlogs on Twitter (@innercitypress) and YouTube. Here, beyond the books "Belt and Roadkill," "Maximum Maxwell" (about the trial of Jeffrey Epstein's procurer Ghislaine Maxwell), Genocide Games of Guterres, Identity Thieves and The Weasels of Wall Street (about the trials of Sarah Lawrence College sex cultist Larry Ray and, in EDNY, of Roger Ng and Jho Low of the 1MDB scandal), he will publish blogs and even short stories.