Raymond L. Hillman is the pseudonym for C.E. for his books about prepping.
Raised in a military family, on coming of age he didn't think twice about enlisting for active duty.
In July 2002 he arrived in Afghanistan and served for 9 months in the tribal areas bordering Pakistan, including Tora Bora at the time of operations against Osama Bin Laden.
He specialized in emergency logistics for housing construction in Afghanistan's poorest villages.
Towards the end of the mission, he was assigned to one of the most remote and isolated areas in the Central Afghan Mountains, again with the task of managing the logistics of rebuilding operations.
There he remained for 2 years, at an altitude of almost 10,000 feet, in a location so inaccessible that the only possible transportation was by helicopter. That was when he began to research and develop all the best techniques and strategies to ensure his survival.
In the endless months spent in these "lunar" surroundings, he found himself negotiating with the local warlords – between vast expanses of opium poppies and machine guns pointed at him by armed guards – to fulfill his mission.
From there he moved to Indonesia, the Banda Aceh region, the area almost destroyed by the tsunami of December 26, 2004.
Once again, his skills were crucial to surviving for 2 years in the villages by the beach, razed to the ground by the fury of the tsunami...
... before going on an emergency logistics mission to Haiti – which, in his own words, is one of the most dangerous places on the planet.
Raymond L. Hillman has been treasuring all the precious lessons learned
during his life, one mission after another...
... and now that he is back to regular life in his house in the heart of the United States, he has decided to put together the advanced prepping techniques he learned while on mission...
… and share his knowledge with as many people as possible.
Raymond has repeatedly come into contact with the fragility of life for human beings and is well aware that a potential crisis that might destroy the present world order forever is not so remote.
This is exactly why he keeps writing his books.
His purpose is to instill in as many people as possible the awareness that the golden age we are experiencing could end at any moment...
… so he strives to spread the art of surviving in any kind of crisis scenario, to help people become self-sufficient and able to defend themselves and their loved ones when in danger.