Reading and writing is something that drives me. The journey towards IELTS started when my cousins and friends approached me during their preparation days. They were keen to learn the key concepts through which they can crack the IELTS exam alongwith saving their precious time. I could clearly see their concern as to why they were so anxious about it. Afterall, their dreams relied on the exam and I would never want to see them compromise. By the way, most of my family members are based in Australia and I currently juggle between India and Europe. So, over the years, I have seen people go through this IELTS process. Infact, even I have been there. Initially, I used to guide my cousins and friends and I feel elated that it all worked for them. They suggested me to lend some guidance to other aspirants as well and conveying the knowledge and experinece through a book was the way out. Hence, I finally decided to pen down the knowledge and experience i have gained so far. I hope the aspirants find the book helpful. I am always up for your feedbacks. Good Luck. Stay Blessed.!