Harriet Winters

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Harriet Winters holds a Master’s degree in Health Science and a lifetime experience of ADHD. A keen writer since childhood with a passion for reading, Harriet can often be found with her nose in a book or going down the internet rabbit hole chasing more knowledge. Harriet’s early career spanned diverse fields from finance to beauty until she eventually found her niche as an academic in the health and wellness field. After two decades indulging her passion for sharing knowledge as a lecturer, Harriet has now turned her focus to writing.

Harriet lives with her husband of nearly 30 years and their dippy, adorable Labrador on a five-acre property on the outskirts of a small provincial town. Her two children are now young adults at college.

A diagnosis of ADHD in her late forties caused Harriet to take stock. She noticed that without realising it she’d amassed a myriad of strategies for managing her busy life. Deciding to build on this, Harriet began looking for ways to re-organize her home to reduce the daily stress of never being able to find anything. It worked so well for her that she decided to share this knowledge with other adults living with ADHD. She has plans for more books covering her other interests including art, interior design, fashion, home renovating and gardening, as well as health and wellbeing.
