A voracious reader herself, Lisa Smith couldn't be happier that her lifelong dream of becoming a children's book author has come to life.
Lisa wears capes of many colors, though none of them are as cool as the ones Phoebe Jean would likely wear. She is a wife, mother, dog mom, sister, daughter, niece, friend, fifth grade teacher, tutor, writer, runner (ish), avid Peloton user (though she rides a Fauxleton), a long-suffering Mets fan, New York Giants fan, and soccer mom extraordinaire.
She and her husband Brian reside with their children and their giant lovebug dog in upstate New York, where she is surrounded by the best people in the world who wholeheartedly support her in everything she does.
Lisa's wish is to be as brave and fearless as Phoebe Jean. Like Phoebe Jean, Lisa wears dresses frequently, though she hasn't mastered the art of flying.