Kate Bigalk


My name is Kate Bigalk. I grew up on a farm in Southeastern Minnesota. I currently spend my time in Minnesota and Arizona. I have a physical disability and use a wheelchair to get around. I use my experiences as a woman who uses a wheelchair as a guide when I write. I have published three books in 2022. The first book I published is a book of poetry. That is called 'Human After All.' The second book I published is about the questions to ask yourself when designing your 'forever' home. That book is called 'Designing Your Forever Home: 116 Things to Think About When Designing Your Forever Home.' The third book I published is about 'Aging in Place' and how to design or remodel your home to make it more accessible. That book is called 'Aging In Place: Using Universal Design: Discover How to Create Your Future Accessible Home You Will Never Have To Leave.' Kate Bigalk


