Michael C. Harris

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For as long as I can remember, all my acquaintances, whenever they had any problem with IT, would come to me and ask for help.

This did not bother me at all; in fact, although it is also my job, I have always considered it one of my favorite pastimes.

Born in 1979 in Centerville, Ohio, I have always had a passion for technology.

Well, more than a passion I would say an obsession.

I majored in computer engineering in Cincinnati, a city in which I have lived since college, where I started a family, and where I work as an IT manager in the local branch of a large multinational corporation.

It is inconceivable to many people, since I work with computers, that after work I still want to help people with their computer problems.

Yet I do.

This is what I like to do, and this is what I do best: explaining, in simple words and to people who are unfamiliar with the subject, the simplest way to make their devices and operating systems work.

That's why when I was proposed to write a series of seniors guides on these topics, I didn't let them ask me twice.
