Charles Dumke University of Montana School of IPAT 32 Campus Drive 206 McGill Hall Missoula, MT 59812 (406) 243 6176 fax (406) 243 6252 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE University of Montana Full Professor, Tenured, School of Integrative Physiology and Athletic Training, 2011 - present. Graduate Program Coordinator, 2008 – present. Appalachian State University Graduate Program Director, Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science Associate Professor, Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science EDUCATION -University of Wisconsin Madison Madison, WI. 9/95 8/00 PhD-Exercise Science -University of Montana Missoula, MT. 8/93 8/95 MS Exercise Physiology -University of Wisconsin Madison Madison, WI. 8/86 12/88 BS Zoology - Honors TEACHING Professor. Missoula, MT. 8/08-present. Physiology of Exercise (HHP 377), Physiology of Exercise Laboratory (378), Nutrition for Sport (HHP 446), Laboratory Procedures in Exercise Science (HHP 531), Advanced Exercise Physiology I (HHP 529), and Advanced Exercise Physiology II (HHP 530), Advanced Exercise Prescription (HHP 528), Certification Preparation for CSCS and HFS (HHP 435). Associate Professor. Boone, NC. 8/00-8/08. Exercise Physiology (ES 2010), Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology (ES 3450), Cardiac Rehabilitation (ES 3630 & ES 5630), Nutritional Aspects of Exercise and Sport (ES 4555 & ES 5555), Exercise Physiology I: Cardiopulmonary and Metabolic Aspects (ES 5621), Biomechanical and Physiological Laboratory Assessment (ES 5591), Exercise Science Seminar (ES 5200), and Adventure and Leadership: Literature, Reflection, Application (IDS 3530). Graduate courses are indicated by numbers exceeding 5000. REPRESENTATIVE PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (>100 TOTAL) Dumke, CL Comment on Fan et al. Efficacy of Ingesting an Oral Rehydration Solution after Exercise on Fluid Balance and Endurance Performance. Nutrients 2021: 13(9): 3214. PMID: 34579091. Slivka, D, Dumke, CL, Hailes, W, Ruby, B, Impact of Hypoxic Exercise Recovery on Skeletal Muscle Glycogen and Gene Expression. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 2021; 22(3): 300-307. doi: 10.1089/ham.2021.0028. Christison, KS, Gurney, SC, Sol, JA, Williamson-Reisdorph, CM, Quindry, TS, Quindry, JC, Dumke, CL, Muscle Damage and Overreaching during Wildland Firefighter Critical Training, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2021; 63(4):350-356. PMID: 33769401. Gurney, SC, Christison, KS, Williamson-Reisdorph, CM, Sol, JA, Quindry, TS, Quindry, JC, Dumke, CL, Alterations in Metabolic and Cardiovascular Risk Factors during Critical Training in Wildland Firefighters, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2021; 63(7): 594-599. PMID: 34184652. Christison, KS, Gurney, SC, Dumke, CL, Effect of Vented Helmets on Heat Stress during Wildland Firefighter Simulation, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2021; 30(9): 645-651. Gurney, SC, Christison, KS, Stenerson, T, Dumke, CL, Effect of Uncompensable Heat from the Wildland Firefighter Helmet, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2021; accepted. Gaskill, SE, Dumke, CL, Palmer, CG, Ruby, BC, Domitrovich, JW, Sol, JA. Seasonal changes in wildland firefighter fitness and body composition. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2020. Online ahead of print. Sol JA, Domitrovich JW, Ruby BC, Gaskill SE, Dumke CL. In Reply to Drs McAnaney and Ganti. Wilderness Environ Med. Jun;30(2):217-218. 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.wem.2019.02.004. PMID: 31029544 Dorton, M, Ruby, BC, Dumke, CL. A flame resistant undergarment increases physiologic strain. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 28(4): 275-281. 2019. Schleh, MW, Ruby, BC, Dumke, CL. Short term heat acclimation reduces heat stress but is not augmented by dehydration. Journal of Thermal Biology. 78:227-234. 2018. PMID: 30509641. Peters, B, Ballmann, C, Quindry, T, Zehner, EG, McCroskey, J, Ferguson, M, Ward T, Dumke C, Quindry JC. Experimental woodsmoke exposure during exercise and blood oxidative stress. J Occup Environ Med. 60(12): 1073-1081. 2018. (PMID: 30188494) Sol, J, Ruby, BC, Gaskill, SE, Dumke, CL, Domitrovich, JW. Metabolic demand of hiking in wildland firefighting. Wilderness Environ Med. 29(3): 304-314. 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.wem.2018.03.006. (PMID: 29887347) Schleh, MW, Dumke, CL. Comparison of sports drink versus oral rehydration solution during exercise in the heat. Wilderness Environ Med. Jun;29(2):185-193. 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.wem.2018.01.005. (PMID: 29548770) Ferguson, M. D, Semmens, E. O, Weiler, E, Domitrovich, J, French, M, Migliaccio, C., Palmer, C., Dumke, C., Ward, T, Lung function measures following simulated wildland firefighter exposures Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene. 14(9): 739-748. 2017. (PMID: 28609218) Ferguson, M. D, Semmens, E. O, Weiler, E, Domitrovich, J, French, M, Migliaccio, C., Palmer, C., Dumke, C., Ward, T, Measured pulmonary and systemic markers of inflammation and oxidative stress following wildland firefighter simulations Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene. 58(4):407-413. 2016. (PMID: 27058482) Seitz, L.B., Trajano, G.S., Haff, G.G., Dumke, C.L., Tufano, J.J., and Blazevich, A.J. Relationships between maximal strength, muscle size, myosin heavy chain isoform composition and post-activation potentiation. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 41(5):491-7. 2016. (PMID: 26988769) Quindry, J., Dumke, C., Slivka, D., Ruby, B., Impact of extreme exercise at high altitude on oxidative stress in humans. The Journal of Physiology 594(18): 5093-104. 2016. (PMID:26453842) Pellegrino, J., Ruby, B.C., Dumke, C.L. Effect of plyometrics on the energy cost of running and MHC and titin isoforms. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 48(1):49-56. 2016. (PMID:26258856). Peters B, Slivka D, Dumke C, Cuddy J, Hailes W, Ruby B, Quindry J. Graded Hypoxia and Blood Oxidative Stress During Exercise Recovery. Journal of Sports Sciences. 34(1):56-66. 2016. (PMID:25871479). Cramer, M.J., Dumke, C.L., Hailes, W.S., Cuddy, J.S., Ruby, B.C. Post-exercise glycogen recovery and exercise performance is not significantly different between fast food and sports supplements. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 25(5): 448-455. 2015. (PMID: 25811308). Ruby, B.C., Cuddy, J.S., Hailes, W.S., Dumke, C.L., Slivka, D.R., Shriver, T.C., Schoeller, D.A. Extreme endurance and the metabolic range of sustained activity is uniquely available for every human not just the elite few. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 11(1): 1-7. 2015. ( Dumke, C.L., Slivka, D.R., Cuddy, J.S., Hailes, W.S., Rose, S.M., and Ruby, B.C. The effect of environmental temperature on glucose and insulin following an OGTT in healthy young men. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. 26(3):335-342. 2015. (PMID:25937547). Keck, N.A., Cuddy, J.S., Hailes, W.S., Dumke, C.L., and Ruby, B.C. Effects of commercially available pneumatic compression on muscle glycogen recovery following exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29(2):379-385. 2015. (doi: 10.1519/ JSC.0000000000000772.) Slivka, D., Heesch, M., Dumke, C.L., Cuddy, J.S., Hailes, W.S., and Ruby, B.C. Human skeletal muscle response to a single hypoxic exercise bout. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 25(4):462-465. 2014. (doi: 10.1016/j.wem.2014.06.011.) McGinnis G, Kliszczewiscz, B., Barberio, M., Ballman C, Peters B, Slivka D, Dumke C, Cuddy J, Hailes W, Ruby B, Quindry J. Acute hypoxia and exercise-induced blood oxidative stress. Int J Sport Nutri Exerc Metab. 24(6):684-693. 2014. (doi: 10.1123/ijsnem.2013-0188.) Ballman C, McGinnis G, Peters B, Slivka D, Cuddy J, Hailes W, Dumke C, Ruby B, Quindry J. Exercise-induced oxidative stress and hypoxic exercise recovery. Eur J Appl Physiol. 114(4), 725-733, 2014. (PMID:24384982) Dumke, C.L., Slivka, D.R., Cuddy, J.S., Hailes, W.S., and Ruby B.C. Skeletal muscle metabolic gene response to carbohydrate feeding during exercise in the heat. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 10(1):40, 2013. (doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-10-40.) Dumke, C.L., Keck, N.C., McArthur, M.C., Corcoran, M.H. Patients with type 1 diabetes oxidize fat at a greater rate than age- and sex-matched controls. Physician and Sportsmedicine. 41(4), 78-85. 2013. (DOI: 10.3810/psm.2013.11.2038) Slivka, D., Dumke, C.L., Tucker, T.J., Cuddy, J.S., Ruby, B.C. Effects of post-exercise recovery in a cold environment on muscle glycogen, PGC-1α, and downstream transcription factors. Cryobiology. 66: 250-255, 2013. (doi: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2013.02.005.) Quindry, J.C., Miller, L.E., McGinnis, G.R, Kliszczewicz, B., Slivka, D., Dumke, C.L., Cuddy, J., Ruby, R., Environmental temperature and exercise induced blood oxidative stress. International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism. 23:128-136, 2013.