David Young Kim


David Young Kim (Ph.D., Harvard) is Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches courses on Italian Renaissance and Baroque art, historiography and theory, and colonial Latin American visual culture, with emphasis on Brazil. His articles and essays have appeared in RES, The Oxford Art Journal, The Art Bulletin, kritische berichte, and I Tatti Studies. His first book, The Traveling Artist in the Italian Renaissance: Geography, Mobility, and Style (Yale University Press, 2014) was named a finalist for the Ralph Waldo Emerson Book Prize. His second book is entitled Groundwork: A History of the Italian Renaissance Picture (Princeton University Press, 2022). David's current book project explores twentieth-century renderings of Giorgio Vasari into the Korean language. David is also a co-founder of Minor Characters, a nonprofit filmmaking collective of artists, journalists, musicians, and scholars. His first film essay, The Desert and the Lagoon, which he wrote, produced, and co-directed with artist Amelia Saul, was released in 2021. You can visit him online at https://arth.sas.upenn.edu/people/david-young-kim.


