Michael is passionate about marriage and helping couples grow in their marriage. His giftedness in teaching helps couples learn important truths about marriage in a fun and interesting way.
A Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Sex Therapist, and Certified Professional Counseling Supervisor, Dr. Sytsma is also an ordained minister with The Wesleyan Church. He received his Ph.D. specializing in marital sexual therapy, with an original research dissertation on “Sexual Desire Discrepancy in Married Couples.”
Co-founder of Sexual Wholeness, Inc. he is currently the founder and senior therapist at Building Intimate Marriages. He is a professor at several graduate schools including Asbury Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Denver Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Richmont Graduate University.
Michael is a contributor to several books including Celebration of Sex (Rosenau), Sanctified Sexuality (Barnes), Counseling Techniques (Thomas), and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage (Curtrer). He co-authored Secrets of Sex & Marriage and Unlocking an Intimate Marriage with Shaunti Feldhahn.
He and his wife Karen live in Atlanta GA, have been married since 1985 and have two sons and one daughter-in-law.