The Author and CEO of Living Our Best Life LLC
Leanne Jones
I was born in Stoke-On-Trent, England. I grew up being the youngest of two girls, in our home. We always had pets growing up, everything from your genetic pets such as dogs, cats, and hamsters, to a pet chipmunk and cockatiels. My mother has a big heart and gets attached to animals, for a short exposition.
As a child I did not like school at all, I would say hate is a strong word, but I was surely close. My dislike for school never came from the structure, rules, regulations, or the ability to learn. I love to learn new things. However, I have dyslexia, and funding for special assistance with this was very slim to none, I learned to spell by how words sound. I struggled to read a book, and public speaking in class was a huge fear during my school years. I would get into trouble to be sent out of the class, just so people would not find out that I couldn’t read.
Ironically, my beautiful older sister would love to have the libraries from the movie beauty at the beast, she would be living her best life. I sometimes envied my older sister for how much school seemed to come so easy for her, and she could spend hours lost in a book.
So, you ask how did I become a writer? I spent so many years wondering what my talent was or more so what I would enjoy doing. After a huge fall in life that forced me to re-evaluate myself as a person, It hit me like a ton of bricks. I have always had an amazing imagination, and this has been pointed out throughout my life, even so much as a family joke. For example, my mother once walked in on me as a young child in the bathtub talking to myself. I had no toys in the bathtub with my I had, instead used the toiletries available to create my witch tongue scraping business. No, I’m not going to explain my thought process on this because, well the best way to describe me is absolutely ridiculous, as I’m working on being my authentic self and living my best life.
I am a mother of two amazing, beautiful, funny, and smart children. I could go on for days talking about how amazing my children are to me if you let me. My children are eleven years apart, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Seeing them interact with each other truly makes my heart smile. I do not care about how cliché that sounds. It’s my truth, and I hope you enjoy this crazy wildlife of me enjoying letting my imagination run wild as release my children’s book collections.