Gordon Hazle ( HardRightEdgeTrading) is a seasoned data expert with a successful career spanning nearly 3 decades and has previously been named as one of the UK's top 100 Data leaders. He merges data protection mastery with day trading acumen and his advisory role with major corporations has solidified his reputation for analytical prowess and a focus on safeguarding sensitive information. His guide on GDPR - data protection and identity theft, rooted in real-world experiences, showcases profound understanding. Leveraging market insight and extensive day trading experience, Gordon introduces a practical "Trade Journal" and the book "Trade With Edge - S&P 500 Futures," offering statistical probabilities for intraday price movements in the ES, eliminating guesswork. Beyond being an author, Gordon ardently advocates for knowledge-sharing. His commitment extends to empowering readers with practical insights and success strategies in data protection and day trading.