Mark Ellison


A small army of dropouts, misfits, struggling artists, ne'er-do-wells, and hard-working recent arrivals build the homes of New York City's wealthiest residents. Forty years in this business has been a rich education, one that has taught me lessons in wealth, class, relationships, dreams, standards, and the multiple meanings that can be found in a life of making beautiful things. I still live in New York, and I still build here. My three sons grew up here. It is a place that has allowed me to pursue a wide range of interests, and to be taught by people who know their worlds well. As I work my way into old age, I have the luxury of making, doing, and learning things that were relegated to hobbies when raising a family was my primary responsibility. My first album, "Miles of Dirt" is complete, but was not made for general release. My second album, "Hard to Tame" will be out in 2023. Other endeavors will follow.


