Leslie Shaw


Leslie and Stephen Shaw have been studying the UFO phenomenon for decades. They are both UFO witnesses and Stephen’s very psychic family were victims of the alien abduction phenomenon for at least four generations. Leslie was a journalist for 18 years and is now semi-tired. She still works for the newspaper doing copy editing and page layout. She is a professional artist with a BFA in animation and ancient art history. Stephen is a retired acupuncturist and Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor. He is also an orchestral musician. He served six years in the Navy as a SeaBee. Since publishing on Halloween of 2022, they have toured California giving readings, lectures and being vendors at events. They’ve appeared on over 60 podcasts and radio programs. They were presenters at the Area 29 Galactic Gathering and 29 Palms Book Festival and will be giving another presentation at the fall 29 Palms Book Festival in November. The available lectures include, “The Link Between UFOs and The Great Flood,” and “UFOs Are Real, Our Own Government Confirms” They have also participated in panels as UFO experts.


