Benjamin Todd Jealous


Benjamin Todd Jealous is a Professor of Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also the New York Times bestselling author of Reach: 40 Black Men Speak on Living, Leading, and Succeeding. He is a scholar, journalist, and civil rights leader. He was formerly the National President and CEO of the NAACP and served as Executive Director of the National Newspaper Publishers Association. During his term at the NAACP, Jealous created pathbreaking partnerships with conservative leaders and Republican governors to help shrink America’s prison system as well as expand voting rights and employment opportunities for formerly incarcerated people. In 2013, The Washington Post hailed him as “one of the nation’s most prominent civil rights leaders.” Today, Ben is the President of People for the American Way. He lives with his children, Morgan and Jack, and their dog Charlie, on the Chesapeake Bay.


