Moisés Campos


Moisés Campos is a servant of Jesus Christ and minister of the Hispanic congregation of the Church of Christ in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Born in 1983 in Chinameca, San Miguel, El Salvador, Moisés has always had a passion for theology and ministry. After graduating in Sciences and Letters and Computer Technician in Guatemala in 2004, Moisés decided to follow his calling and began studying theology at the Biblical Institute of Central America (BICA) in Honduras. He also studied remotely at the Baxter Institute. Moisés has preached in various countries in Central America, including El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. In El Salvador, he served as minister of the congregation in Chinameca for 5 years, and at BICA Honduras, he served as teacher and assistant director for 6 years. In total, Moisés has preached over 100 sermons in his career and has participated in several successful missions and projects. He is married and has procreated two children in his life whom he loves with all his heart.

