EMILY KEMP is an author, a home cook, and an activist for a plant-based diet. She is a parent of two children and is passionate about developing new recipes and writing about cuisine. Throughout the years, Emily devoted a significant amount of time and energy to discovering solutions enabling her to shed unwanted pounds, improve her health, and wean herself off hazardous medications. She has found that adhering to a diet consisting primarily of plant foods has assisted her in achieving the desired outcomes. Emily has been following a diet consisting primarily of plant foods for many years now, so she no longer requires any of the drugs she previously did. Emily's primary mission is to assist individuals and families in switching to a lifestyle based on plant-based foods. Through her books, Emily has made it her life's mission to encourage others to take control of their health, reduce their weight, and do their part to protect the environment and animals. Her books aim to provide people with a healthy and healthy lifestyle through organic recipes and daily articles, and she leaves no stone unturned to achieve this goal.