Stacey Dorenfeld


Stacey is living the life she loves as a result of the people and experiences she has been blessed to have. Stacey represents Hadassah, the largest Women’s Zionist Organization in America, as the California Liaison for the National Grassroots Advocacy Team. She meets with various Federal and State Representatives, lobbying for human rights issues. A sought-after trainer and speaker, Stacey often leads workshops on the ins and outs of domestic advocacy. Stacey is passionate about making the world a better place for the next generation. She is most proud of her role in the passage of CA SB 225: Human Trafficking: Notice, which resulted from an idea she pitched to Senator Henry Stern. Stacey is currently working on issues such as women’s rights, fighting antisemitism and hate in all forms, and gun violence, and has made several trips to Sacramento and Washington, DC, fighting for better gun laws. Stacey works as the Operations Manager for a family law firm. She is a published author of three books and is the face behind the lifestyle blog


