Warwick Schiller

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International horse trainer, clinician, and author Warwick Schiller began riding horses on a farm in rural Australia when he was seven years old. Warwick’s modern training philosophy focuses on creating trust and connection between horse and human by emphasizing the importance of the horse’s mental well-being throughout the training process. Having spent most of his life training professional reining horses, he now spends his time solving behavioral issues across disciplines and empowering individuals with the tools and mindsets needed to create their own trusting partnerships with their horses.

Since publishing his first training video on Youtube in 2011, Warwick has created a vast online community founded on personal growth, positivity, and a shared passion for the wellbeing of horses. In addition to his online video library with over 800 real-time training videos, Warwick has created The Journey On Podcast, which interviews inspirational horse people from all over the world and shares their stories and mindsets.
