Annie Yorty


Annie Yorty, wife, mother, award-winning writer, and speaker, extends hope and encouragement to those living through difficult situations. God has gifted Annie with a variety of twists and turns in life where she’s had no choice but to fully rely on His person, presence, provision, and purpose. Centered and dependent on her heavenly Advocate, Annie finds daily purpose and passion by advocating for God and others. Annie embraced the task of advocacy after the birth of her first child, Alyssa, who has Down syndrome. For over thirty years she has led both disability and homeschool organizations to promote understanding and acceptance for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Annie publishes a weekly blog, Perceive God. She also writes devotions, blogs, Bible studies, and Christian living articles for Today’s Christian Living, Focus on the Family, Living by Design, The Christian Journal, Refresh, and others. She is a regular contributor to the family section at Crosswalk, part of the Salem Web Network. Her work is published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Room at the Table: Encouraging Stories from Special Needs Families, and Everyday Joy. Annie has taught and inspired audiences across four continents from Argentina to Siberia. As the podcast host of Ordinary Moms of Extraordinary Kids, Annie shares weekly Bible encouragement for moms of kids with special abilities and needs. A lifelong learner, Annie regularly seeks new and eclectic challenges. She gravitates toward anything crafty or creative. Sporadically, she works at learning to play the piano and ukulele. Always open to travel adventure, Annie helps organize mission teams that share God’s love around the world. She wishes she had more time to read, crochet, and practice Russian. Her furry beast (aka labradoodle) would like her to spend more time teaching him new tricks. Annie lives in Pennsylvania with her high school sweetheart/Air Force veteran husband, Jeff. They have two grown children and one still in process. (Isn’t everyone, really?) Amidst the fun, challenges, and chaos, Annie encourages others to look upward with her and perceive God.


